Roster and Volleyball

A Fantastic Match.

Learn Why

A Volleyball-First Product.

Chances are, you haven't seen a product that is made for every sport that started with volleyball. Roster is different. Roster started when a student manager wanted to help his coaching staff and apply research he was doing with a sports analytics professor in ways that coaches could use.


Automated .DVW File Gathering and Video Clipping

We work with your existing logins to automate the video and file gathering process. But did we mention you don't have to download any of it to your computer? No conversions and no big files to store on your computer. Create your next recruiting video in minutes right from your web browser, automatically grouped by action and hit combinations.


Automatically Know a Player's Important Stats

You want to know their passer rating, so we give it to you. With Roster, you can see the stats you want to right away.